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How Much Does a Microsoft Access Database Design Service Cost?

Last Updated: December 09, 2021

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Microsoft Access is one of the most popular database tools for small businesses. The software allows you to manage all of your company's information in one place.

Access is a tool for gathering information like customer phone numbers, sales records, inventory records - and almost any other piece of information you can imagine. It is easy to navigate and can be used to compare sets of data and create customized reports.

Microsoft Access can also be used to:

  • Keep track of guest lists
  • Record and store information about certain groups of people - frequent customers or top suppliers, for example
  • Run the same reports on a regular basis - daily, weekly, monthly or annually
  • Gather lists of customers for targeted marketing campaigns
  • Track product inventory and sales

About Microsoft Access Database Design Services #

The first step in designing a database is sitting down with a developer to talk about your needs and expectations. Before you do that, however, you need to have an idea of what you want the database to accomplish. Sit down with your staff and figure out:

  • Why do you need the database and what do you want it to do?
  • Who will have access to the database?
  • Who will update and maintain the database after the development work is complete?

After the initial consultation, the developer will come up with a document describing how the database will function. It is critical that you read the document closely in order to decide if the proposal is in line with your expectations. Once the database has been built, it's too late to change your mind.

Because Microsoft Access is so user friendly, it's possible to design your database using in-house resources. However, keep in mind that the project will be long and complicated. And if you don't have anyone on staff with a good grasp of database design fundamentals, the project could end up a disaster.

Microsoft Access Database Design Services Average Costs #

The Microsoft Access tool itself is relatively inexpensive, costing just a few hundred dollars. Most of the costs you will incur with a database project come from the design work.

The design process can take months and most designers bill in the range of $50 to $250 per hour. In total, small business can expect to spend anywhere from $2,000 to $10,000 for Microsoft Access database design.

Although database design is expensive, it's also an investment into the future of your company. A well-designed database will help you keep organized for years to come. It will also protect and preserve your company's valuable information.

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